Two sides of technology — The Social DilemmaI always believe that there are always two sides to everything — good, bad, nice, awful, positive, negative. Some things won’t always be…Mar 1, 20211Mar 1, 20211
Why being productive matters to meIt’s been a long time since i wrote in this blog. I was pretending to be busy all the time that i didn’t even have time to write something.Jan 31, 20211Jan 31, 20211
Why i get stressed and anxious when i do nothing?Pernah nggak kamu ngerasa cemas atau malah stres karena liat orang-orang di sekitar mu sibuk dan punya pencapaian akan apa yang harus dia…Oct 27, 2020Oct 27, 2020
What I Learned From Emily in ParisI start my morning by hearing the sound of rain. I don’t really like rain because it lowered my mood.Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
Kegagalan dan kesalahan dalam berpikir“You never lose. It’s either you win or you learn.”Sep 10, 2020Sep 10, 2020
The art of active listening and how to do thatHave you ever pissed off when someone doesn’t listen to you?Aug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020
The harmful effect of body shaming and why you should stop doing that“Kalian pernah nggak mengalami body shaming gitu?” tanya salah satu dosen ku ketika mata kuliah seminar proposal. Kebetulan kelas sempro…Aug 22, 2020Aug 22, 2020